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Course Content
Course Content
Welcome to Enneagram & Spirituality2:08
The Enneagram Framework4:13
The traps1:57
Neurotic Needs3:25
What is spiritual development?13:41
Why work with all enneatypes?3:09
How to engage with the exercises7:01
A word on Diamond Approach/Logos and essence5:01
Enneatype One20:37
Enneatype Two22:00
Enneatype Three23:08
Enneatype Four24:55
Enneatype Five13:26
Enneatype Six23:23
Enneatype Seven24:14
Enneatype Eight19:49
Enneatype Nine12:14
Theoretical underpinnings43:09
Enneagram Theory40:01
The Enneagram Framework